How Export Finance works: a basic guide

International Trade

You’ve won a big deal, a new client or are going through a period of growth? These all sound like good news! But, have you thought about the impact on your cash flow, particularly if these customers are overseas? What with added time, credit checks, shipping… the list goes on. Export finance has been created specifically to make your life easier. It offers a way for businesses to release working capital, specifically from overseas transactions, that might otherwise remain tied up in invoices for long periods of time.

Is your business suitable?

Your business could benefit from Export Finance if:

  • You currently sell or want to sell to customers overseas
  • You receive payment from customers in foreign currencies
  • You want to make exporting as simple as possible

How does it work?

Export finance is tailor-made for growing businesses and can help overcome the issues associated with trading on credit.

By releasing up to 80% of an invoice’s value within just 24 hours of its issue, it effectively funds the cash flow gap between sending goods/providing a service and getting paid. And as the saying goes – Cash is King! 

With individual export finance you can be completely flexible meaning the amount of finance that a business can access grows in line with turnover growth. So, the more invoices you raise, the more funding you will receive. 

Why choose our Export Finance solution?

At Accelerated Payments, we’re slightly different: 

  1. We don’t have a limit to the funding that we can provide to you on one customer. Our Selective Export Finance product means that whether you’re only exporting to one debtor or you’re 100% international we can help.  
  2. All of our products come with complimentary Credit Insurance included in the price, covering you against late payment or insolvency of your customer. 
  3. It’s all online meaning we can provide quick funding decisions within 48 hours whether it’s a customer in the UK or abroad 
  4. Funding is not dependent on your business performance 
  5. What’s important is the quality of your debtor
  6. We can assist you with mitigating the risk on foreign exchange fluctuations
  7. There is no restriction on the level of export sales

If you’re interested in finding out more see our Export Finance Product page, get in touch .


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