SMBs exporting: how Brokers and Receivables Financing providers can help

SMEs Exporting

For Accelerated Payments collaboration is key when it comes to doing business. With the right partners, a business can go further and help more. This is why we work so closely with our brokers. Brokers are key to helping us to provide liquidity to SMEs exporting and looking to scale up their business. By collaborating […]

Ready, set, grow – how export financing can turbocharge global expansion for SMBs  

SMEs Exporting

What the post-covid, post-Brexit era has made clear is that traditional financial institutions are not the best equipped institutions to support growing companies during a crisis – let alone global expansion. Banks – whether they like to or not – simply don’t have the risk appetite to offer adequate levels of financing and often the […]

Time out with… Head of North America, Neil McMillan  

Neil McMillan

In Accelerated Payments latest Time Out With… we caught up with Neil McMillan, who started his finance career in Glasgow, Scotland. Neil took his career to England, then eventually to New Zealand and Australia before moving to Canada. Neil’s career has taken him pretty much around the globe.  What attracted you to join Accelerated Payments  […]

Could new covid-19 worries spell more troubles for scaling businesses?  

Covid and Cashflow

Accelerated Payments spoke with our Head of North America, Neil McMillan to get his views. By many accounts, the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is over. However, for businesses – especially scaling businesses with plans to grow – the full impact of the pandemic continues to be felt. Right now, not only are there ongoing […]

Time out with… Weiqing Li

Time out with Weiqing Li

Tell me a bit about yourself My name is Weiqing Li, and I am from North China. I first came to Ireland 8 years ago as part of a study programme. About 30 of us were in that course and 10 of us are still in Ireland today. We studied three years in China, and […]

What are the advantages of Export Finance?  


Export Finance is a great tool that can help your business to release working capital from its overseas transactions. Export finance is a key competitive factor for exporters and may increase their opportunities of signing a contract. It can provide several advantages for both the SME exporter and the importers which are explored below.   Advantages […]

The impacts of 2020/2021 on SMBs and 2022 predictions.

Accelerated Insights

We asked SMEs their opinions on several topics that have impacted their business over the last 24 months. The results of the survey are below and outline the challenges faced by SMEs in managing cashflow through both a pandemic and the added complexities brought on by Brexit. The impact of late payments Late payments have […]

Use Supply Chain Finance and Receivables Finance to cut costs and become more efficient

Use Invoice Finance to cut costs and become more efficient

Cashflow disruptions are always expensive Businesses pay for cashflow disruptions in more ways than one. Temporary shortfalls can prevent companies from operating effectively, delay hiring of much needed talent or replacing outdated inefficient equipment. Not only this, SMEs find themselves stuck in a credit war between paying their suppliers on time and having to provide […]

Talking Trends September 2021 – Broker Edition

This blog forms part of a series where we identify common views and trends within the broker market over the previous 3 months.   Funding enquiries    General market feeling is that overall level of enquiries from new and existing clients has remained relatively static. Some (43%) have seen an uptick in the number of Invoice […]

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