Brexit: New Rules When Exporting: What Your Business Needs to Know 

Brexit New Rules When Exporting What Your Business Needs to Know

While the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (EU) has been unfolding for years, businesses are still adapting to the practical implications of this seismic shift. One of the areas most impacted is exports, in particular, businesses that export. For businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge, understanding these changes is important – but […]

The impacts of 2020/2021 on SMBs and 2022 predictions.

Accelerated Insights

We asked SMEs their opinions on several topics that have impacted their business over the last 24 months. The results of the survey are below and outline the challenges faced by SMEs in managing cashflow through both a pandemic and the added complexities brought on by Brexit. The impact of late payments Late payments have […]

Now is the perfect time to check your cashflow


With cashflow it’s always a case of fail to plan, plan to fail. With summer upon us and Covid-19 restrictions allowing a little more freedom (holidays), now is the perfect time to make sure your finances are in order. In uncertain times such as Covid-19 and Brexit, the need to manage and safeguard cashflow is […]

Talking Trends April 2021

This blog forms part of a series where we identify common themes and trends over the previous month.   Positive   Steady increase in business enquiries following removal of government support funding High proportion of enquiries from mature businesses who are new to invoice finance in the UK and Ireland Continued strong demand for export finance beyond the EU and […]

Talking Trends February 2021

This blog forms part of a series where we identify common themes and trends over the previous month.   Positive   Business confidence in the UK appears to be improved as uncertainties around Brexit are made clear and there is a roadmap out of the Covid-19 crisis   Recovery Loan Scheme to be rolled out in UK in April, but SME’s are expected to return to non-covid finance options  Continued strong demand for US$ in Ireland, UK […]

The Need for Collaboration


Access to finance for SMEs is a drum that is continuously beaten across the world. Many SME finance providers jumped headfirst into the market in the last decade with the common goal of fixing exactly that systemic fault. It is evident  that FinTech’s  have already altered the market, however, the combined effects of Brexit and […]

Talking Trends January 2021

Talking Trends

This blog forms part of a series where we identify common themes and trends over the previous month.   Positive  Introducers in the UK market returning to invoice finance as a core solution as CBILS draws to a close  There is strong demand for US$ in Ireland, UK and Canada, highlighting the continued interest in SMEs to look beyond Europe post-Brexit.   Businesses appear to be paying […]

Painting Brexit by Numbers


On the 23rd June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU triggering Article 50.  More than 3 years on and the deadline looms at the end of December. Time is running out to prepare. Anxiety around what will happen, especially around the borders if a deal is not agreed. Steve Box, Chairman of Accelerated Payments […]

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