Manage the headache of payment terms with export finance.

Containers indicting export trade

If you’re a business that sells to other businesses, it’s likely that you’ll recognise the need to manage cash flow. It’s one thing to sell within the domestic market, it’s another to sell overseas. The upheaval to international supply chains brought about by covid 19 and further uncertainty coming down the tracks post Brexit mean […]

Alternative Receivables Finance Companies: A lifeline for SMBs?

Life preserver

In the wake of the pandemic, governments across the globe put in place loan guarantees for businesses in various guises in order to protect the future economic road to recovery. But whilst their efforts are commendable, the eligibility criteria and restrictions that they put in place meant that many alternative finance lenders were and still are unavailable to provide a suitable offering. This leaves thousands […]

The long and winding road to recovery: how to keep your business on track.

Road winding in many directions symbolising road to recovery for SMEs

As nations of entrepreneurs SMEs account for 60% of the UK and 70.1% of the Irish Labour market and around 50% of turnover of both countries. The response of SMEs to the Covid crisis will clearly have a huge impact on the shape of both economies and future skills requirements. Of course, neither country is the first in the world to navigate recovery.   Across the world, countries are starting to open up their doors, albeit slowly. The […]

Invoice Finance: choosing the right provider when you’re a fast-growing tech company

Stairway to the sky implies business growth

Fast growing businesses can often struggle to raise enough finance to keep up with their demand for working capital. The situation, sometimes referred to as over trading, occurs when a company is taking on new business faster than it can afford to fund that business. It’s a cash flow issue made even worse by late or slowing paying customers. Invoice finance […]

Creating FX Certainty in Uncertain but Stressful Times

Map of world showing some foreign currencies

Brexit created a whole host of risks for Clear Treasury’s sterling clients. In recent months another major risk has been thrown in the mix – the impact of the coronavirus on global economic markets. Consequently, we saw a fresh explosion in currency volatility too. For example, in the month of March alone, sterling fell by over 10% to […]

Invoice Finance for Recruitment companies.

Image showing a recruitment professional with a 'we hire' sign

Two of the biggest challenges faced by any business at any stage are cash flow and relationship management. For recruitment companies access to finance is often harder because of their structure and the basic nature of their business.   It’s all about people   As a recruitment company you will tend to be people rich and asset poor, meaning that there isn’t the tangible security of […]

5 Tips to Deal with Late Payment!

Tips to manage Late Payment

Late Payment. It’s the phrase that we hear from business owners every day and across every sector. Periods of market uncertainty often trigger a push by large companies to lengthen payment terms. Everyone wants to hold onto cash longer, and get paid quicker. So here are our TOP 5 tips to help you deal with […]

How Export Finance works: a basic guide

International Trade

You’ve won a big deal, a new client or are going through a period of growth? These all sound like good news! But, have you thought about the impact on your cash flow, particularly if these customers are overseas? What with added time, credit checks, shipping… the list goes on. Export finance has been created […]

Using Invoice Finance to Manage your Cash Flow

Cash Flow Calculator

Managing cash flow can be frustrating, time consuming, and an expensive problem for any business at the best of times. Now with many businesses struggling to meet working capital challenges due to Covid 19 – unexpected costs, late payments and international borders – the problem just got bigger.  During growth, businesses are inevitably left short […]

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